7 Steps to Digital Marketing

7 Steps to Digital Marketing

Are you one of the 80% of companies that has no digital marketing strategy? Maybe you’re one of the 86% that wants to get started in digital, but barriers keep getting in your way?
We have good news and bad news.
First the bad news.
If you don’t have a digital marketing strategy, your business will suffer. If not now, then certainly over the long term. Your competition may already be taking advantage of the more than 40 hours per month North Americans are spending online. And if that’s not enough to convince you why you need to build your web presence, maybe this will: business buyers only contact suppliers directly when 57% of their purchase process is complete. Seriously….this means that over half of the buying process is focused on researching, forming opinions, reading reviews and reducing options before making a final decision.
Part of the problem is that most companies want to get started on a strategy, but don’t know how to do digital marketing.
Now the good news.
We’ve set you up with an infographic that outlines the 7 proven steps to getting started with digital marketing. And if that’s not enough, you’ll find a link at the end to our comprehensive eBook, The 7 Steps to Digital Marketing.
Start reading and then connect with us on Twitter for more insights.

Infographic: The 7 Steps Getting Started with Digital Marketing


Mohamed Elarby

A tech blog focused on blogging tips, SEO, social media, mobile gadgets, pc tips, how-to guides and general tips and tricks

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