Mother Announced Her Daughter’s High-Risk Pregnancy To Everyone Despite Clear Warnings Not To. Now They’re Both Upset.

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Sharing someone else’s personal news can be a big deal, especially when they ask you to keep it private.

So, how would you feel if your mother, knowing your history of loss and concerns, told everyone about your pregnancy anyway? Would you understand? Or would you confront her about it directly?

In today’s story, a woman finds herself facing this very dilemma. Here’s what happened.

AITA for yelling at my mother for telling everyone she knows I am pregnant.

I have been doing IVF for 4+ years and have had multiple miscarriages.

The last time my mother told everyone that she was going to be a grandmother was when I was 5 weeks along; I had no idea until I miscarried and got numerous Facebook messages from people I didn’t know about how sorry they were.

Not going to lie; at the time, I got very angry with her, and she promised she would never do that again, and after some time, I forgave her.

Cut to now, I am again pregnant in a high-risk pregnancy and again asked her not to share until I was past the first trimester.

Her mother just couldn’t wait.

We had at least 15 conversations on this specific topic.

I am currently about 2.5 months along.

Today I got a message again from some random person I don’t know apparently a friend of hers on Facebook about how happy they were for me.

Needless to say. I absolutely lost it with her this time.

Here comes the drama.

Her excuse was, well, if she had known this person would message me, she wouldn’t have told them.

Which, of course, is absolutely not the friggin point.

She says she is just excited, and the fact that she waited as long as she did was really good for her.

I also found out she was sharing my ultrasound pictures as well.

Now she’s mad at me for being mad at her and telling me that I shouldn’t be getting mad at her because it’s stressing her out.


Yikes! It’s easy to see both sides, but the mother probably should have just kept it to herself.

Let’s see what the folks over at Reddit had to say about this matter.

This person has no sympathy for her.

Here’s someone who would also be upset with their mother.

Great point.

Another person who agrees it’s not her info to share.

Perfect advice!

The mother should know better!

She may be excited, but that doesn’t give her the right to share her daughter’s information.

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Mohamed Elarby

A tech blog focused on blogging tips, SEO, social media, mobile gadgets, pc tips, how-to guides and general tips and tricks

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