10 Most Compelling Magento plugins For E-commerce Websites

10 Most Compelling Magento plugins For E-commerce Websites

Over the last few years, Magento has gained a lot of popularity as an ideal platform for setting up an eCommerce website among the merchants and business owners. It shares more than 20 percent of market share- which clarifies Magento is the best eCommerce solution since its inception. It offers a ton of beautiful and powerful themes, extensions/plugins and tools to let you build highly interactive and fully-functional online store according to your business needs.
If you want to enhance or extend the functionalities of your online store to the next level, then you must need to use plugins or extensions powered by Magento. In this blog post, we will light upon the ten most powerful Magento plugins that will elevate your eCommerce site to the higher level quickly and efficiently.

1.       Price Slider Daffodil

Sometimes, web customers get irritated while searching for a specific product from the huge e-Commerce sites. It happens because they see lots of products in their search results that are beyond their price range.  
To avoid this issue, an online owner can install a Price Slider Daffodil plugin that allows customers to see products in a certain price range according to their requirement. This plugin empowers web customers to specify their price range and search their product – it makes the shopping easier and quicker.

2.       Fontis SecurePay

Most of the customers restrict themselves from making any online transactions while buying anything from an eCommerce store. They don’t want to spend their money on shopping from an online store because of lack of online transaction processing. To strengthen this function, website owners are making the use of high-powered plugins like Fontis SecurePay.
It is an incredible tool that resolves this issue by processing the payments in a safe and secure way. It uses the SecureXML gateway to strengthen the online transaction processing system and ensures the customers that their payment details will always be kept safe.

3.       ShipWorks

An organization sets up an eCommerce site to grow their standard across the global market and earn the maximum profits.
In order to achieve this, you need to offer the world-class services to your web customers - from the promotion of the product to the shipping. In fact, Shipping is one of the biggest concerns for the online retailers.
To simply this task, you can install the ShipWorks plugin that offers the high-end functionality such as labels creation, sending emails to customers, and updating orders. The plugin is stimulated with the Magento and over 70 shopping carts including Amazon, eBay, PayPal, etc. Plus, it also supports multiple shipping carriers such as FedEx, Express1, DHL, etc

4.       SERP Editor

If you are running a Magento store, then you should install this plugin. It allows the site owners to edit, organize and create the data or content in a user-friendly way.
This means you can edit or manage the content in the same way the users want to see in the search results on the search engine platforms, like Google. This plugin improves the CTR (Click Through Rate), conversion rate and sales of an online store. For more effective results, you can create simple and clear titles, descriptions and keywords as it can optimize your site for search engines.

5.       Zopim Live Chat

It is a popular plugin in the eCommerce development. Zopim Live Chat allows you to set up a soothing and effective communication system via Live chat.
With the use of this plugin, the store owner can interact with their visitors and vice-a-versa. The owner can give support to their customers, get feedbacks from them, get offline messages and a lot more.

6.       All Ajax Pro

All Ajaxx Pro is a brilliant plugin for Magento that offers a ton of advanced functions and features that can help you deliver the best shopping experience to your potential web customers. The plugin can easily remove the products from the online store.
It allows the users to witness the world-class functionalities based on Ajax such as Registration, Add-to-Compare_list, Quick Login, Add-to-cart and a lot more.

7.       Yotpo Reviews

The Yotpo allows store owners to create thousands of beautiful reviews, photos, and other user-driven content that can help them to drive more traffic towards their site.
Use this plugin to provide your customers the facility to evaluate the products on your online store instead of looking somewhere else – as this will distract the attention of your web customers. You can generate authentic reviews regarding your products to encourage more visitors to buy your product.

8.       Checkout Newsletter

Checkout Newsletter is an amazing extension for Magento that embeds a checkbox to check out, so the customers can sign up for newsletters with ease.
The plugin plays a crucial role when you start off the marketing campaigns for your business. It offers a great way to build interest among the customers regarding your products.
Even, you can easily install and configure the plugin as it requires zero programming skills.

9.       Actionable Google Analytics

It is also a powerful extension for Magento that enables you to utilize some of the great features of Google analytics such as enhanced e-Commerce and tracking user ID. Plus, it supports product Refund, Content Grouping, I.P Anonymization and other functionalities.
You can use this plugin to work more efficiently for your online business and increase the overall productivity, conversion rate and sales of the site.

10.    Magic Zoom

Magix Zoom is an interesting Magento Plugin. It allows the web customers to zoom in their desired product, available on the online store so that they can easily get more information and other details.
But the best part of this plugin is that it works smoothly even on advanced smartphones and tablets – means giving rich shopping experience to the mobile visitors too.  

Wrapping up

That’s all.
These are the top 10 plugins for Magento that can extend the functionality of your eCommerce site, without any coding skills and also take your business to the higher level.

Author:Maggie is a Magento Developer by profession and writer by hobby. She works for Markuphq Ltd., which is an expert in convert psd to magento themes to global clients. Connect with her on Google+ and Twitter.

Mohamed Elarby

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