What Do Social Media Managers Do? Infographic

What Do Social Media Managers Do? Infographic 

Social media manager may sound like a nebulous title to some, but is a vital position on the modern marketing team. What do social media managers do all day? A new infographic from Socialcast outlines just how active those in the position are all day, every day.
In the morning:
  • Check emails and social networks
  • Reply to negative tweets from the night
  • Engage with brand evangelists through retweets and likes
  • Post breakfast on Instagram
  • Publish a blog post about current news
  • Scan news sites for articles, blogs posts and videos to share
In the afternoon:
  • Impromptu videos with senior staff for Vine
  • Skype into a teleconference about corporate microblogging
  • Check social sites to ensure the brand is on message
  • Respond to negative feedback
  • Collaborate with marketing team
At the end of the day:
  • Respond to negative comments immediately
  • Schedule tweets and posts for the night owls
  • Review analytics
  • Check email
Check out the infographic below, complete with social media manager salaries:

Mohamed Elarby

A tech blog focused on blogging tips, SEO, social media, mobile gadgets, pc tips, how-to guides and general tips and tricks


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